Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Spring Cleaning, Detoxification of Your Body

Your body is a delight to toxins. You are continuously inhaling airborne particles and consuming a wide variety of foods, drinks.  There are too many sources of contaminants in the air, food and water. Junk food, stress, vehicles emissions, cleaning substances and more others are increasing the toxic level in your body. Maintaining a diet high in detox foods is one of the best ways to keep your general heath. However, with even the best diet toxins creep in.
You should start your detoxification diet with avoiding processed foods, alcohol, caffeinated beverages and sweets. At the beginning you must increase your water intake by 1 or 2 cups. Citrus fruits; lemon, satsuma, orange, grapefruit and lime are essential in the detoxification process. They are offering vitamins including high level of vitamin C, minerals. Their antioxidant effect helps to get rid off free radicals from your body. Lemon helps with your digestion so you can drink a cup of hot water with lemon added in order to prepare your digestive system for that day’s work. Among with lemon juice you should drink 1 or 2 cups of green tea per day, this superfood powers detox. The effect is better if you mix the green tea with cucumber. Green vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, sprouts and kale are nutrient-dense foods providing wide range of minerals; calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. They are full of vitamins; vitamin A, vitamin C, range of vitamin B-s, folates and pantothenic acid.  Many detox diets list garlic as a crucial piece of the puzzle. The reason is that garlic boosts up the immune system as well as helping out the liver. Some detox diets require you to consume ginger root. If you add grated ginger to hot water makes the water taste better. Ginger has medicinal value dates back to ancient Chinese civilizations, and one that is still believed to offer many health benefits. Turmeric has huge healthy effect on the liver. You can drink it as a tea or sprinkle it on you daily food and smoothie. Give your liver a big boost with cleansing action of watercress.  Add olive oil to your smoothie and your salad dressings in order to generate your liver to get rid off its gallstones.
Make your detox plan that greatly works for you and follow your scheme daily.