Health and Diet: What Makes a Diet Healthy?
By Ali Bierman
A friend was telling me about his healthy diet. Not surprisingly many others who misunderstand food share his notion of healthy eating. The SAD (Standard American Diet) fact is many people make the effort to help themselves and create healthier life styles only to wind up sickly and, often, overweight.
Some years ago the medical community decided that fat is a bad thing. Suddenly the food industry responded with fat-free foods. Butter-free products blossomed into a huge industry. Baked products boasted about their fat-free ingredients - pretty much every major SAD company jumped on the bandwagon.
Enter the age of hormonal imbalances. Your body needs fat to burn fat. Your body needs fat to assimilate and use fat-soluble vitamins. Your body needs fat to insulate your body and feed your brain!
Yet the misinformation did not top there.
People afraid of fat stopped eating meat.
Think about it. How did your ancestors run across the plains and build strong bodies that established our civilization? They ate meat!

Most people need some meat to create and maintain health. Note that I am talking about free range animals, raised humanely without antibiotics or hormones.
For many, clear thinking follows a meal of beef. Okay you don't need to eat 8 ounces or more at a sitting. Your body probably handles only 3-4 ounces at a time. The rest stresses your elimination organs.
The issue with eating well, in the eyes of many, means eliminating meat, animal fat, and dairy and favoring grains such as bread, cereal and pasta.
Ah ha! Grains spark the pancreas to release the insulin that often leads to diabetes.
Look at what most obese people eat on a regular basis - pasta and bread (made from chemical refined flours) - lots of both.
Do you see why the United States population leads the world in obesity? Dubious distinction!
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