Saturday, 24 June 2017

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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Polenta, Gluten-Free “Pizza”
Ms H 

It is a delicious, easy to make, summer dish. I can recommend it for family or friends gathering. If you have someone on gluten-free diet in your party it is an excellent choice for everybody. This recipe does not contain any processed ingredient.

Cooked polenta
Green pepper
2 sliced
Chilli pepper
1 sliced
Chopped tomato
4 medium
Sliced tomato
2 medium
Grated cheese
100 g
1 tbsp
Up to your taste
Black pepper
Up to your taste
Fresh basil
Few fresh leaves
3 cloves crushed
Red onion
1 chopped

·      Turn the oven on to 1900C
·      Cooking the polenta base:
Cook the polenta in 400ml slightly salted water, stir it continuously, avoid the formation of the lumps. It takes about 10 minutes.  When it is ready blend the eggs in.
Butter a (25cm x 20cm) baking tray, transfer the polenta into it and place it into the preheated oven for 10 minutes.
·      Making the tomato juice:
Place 1 tsp butter, garlic and onion into a pan and stir it continuously. Add 1 sliced green pepper and the chopped tomatoes. Season it and cook it for 10 minutes. Place the sauce into the liquidizer.
·      Pour the tomato juice on the polenta base, decorate with the remaining ingredients except the basil.
·      Bake it for 20 minutes.

·      Before serving sprinkle the fresh basil leaves on the top.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Another Food Plan for a Hot Summer Day

Ms H

Energy kcal
Start of the day:

Poached egg on spinach and cooked millet nest

Coffee with skimmed milk


Salad of curly kale with avocado


Grilled Mackerel with chard

Glass of chilled white wine

Ginger 2cm
Strawberry 8
Apple 1
Tomato 1 small
Lemon juice 1
Water up to 250ml

1 egg
50g spinach
50 g millet
1 crashed garlic
 black pepper

200g kale
(fried for a min in coconut oil)
juice of a lemon
1/2red chilli
1 avocado peeled
1 tbsp olive oil

A slice

1 mackerel marinated with celery, garlic, chilli, parsley and lemon juice
150 g chard
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp vinegar


320 kcal

100 kcal

110 kcal

400 kcal

200 kcal

300 kcal


Total: 1780 kcal
It contains the essential minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals fibre and the healthy carbohydrates; sugar from the vegetables and fruits

It provides protein,
essential amino acids, essential vitamins and minerals;
specially iron 
low fat,
slow release of energy

“ an apple a day keeps the doctor away”

antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti –cancer nutrient  lowers the LDL cholesterol
Avocado: contains fat
Vitamins; B 1,3,5,6, 9, C E, K 
Minerals; Ca, Mg , Zn
W 3, 6 fatty acids and

92% of water. It is a good source of vitamin C and, also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

mackerel contains omega 3 acids, it is beneficial for cardiovascular health
chard has
anti- inflammatory and detoxifying properties. 

Smoothie is a good way to start the day. During the day drink plenty of water and drink a glass of water half an hour before your meal.  

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Food plan for a hot summer day
Ms H

Calorie content Kcal
Start of the day:
Freshly squeezed
Lemon juice with
Look warm water

Breakfast :
Toasted nuts and seeds cereal with
Plain yogurt

Coffee with skimmed milk

Slice of watermelon

Gazpacho with toasted bread

Aubergine dip with
carrot and celery sticks

Moroccan Spiced

Glass of chilled white wine

1 lemon
100ml water

80g of cereal consisting
pumpkin seed
sunflower seed

¼ red onion
1 cove of garlic
½ red pepper
½ yellow pepper
200g cucumber
200g tomato
1tbsp vine vinegar
1tbsp olive oil
small  amount of basil
2 slices of
gluten-free wholemeal baguette toasted

1 aubergine
small onion
1 clove of garlic
 ½ tbsp olive oil
50g soured cream
2 carrots
2 celery sticks

Moroccan spices
 1 skinless salmon
50g couscous
5g sultana
5g prunes
5g flaked almonds

50 kcal

480 kcal

150 kcal

450 kcal

220 kcal

480 kcal

Total : 1830 kcal
Antioxidant, vitamin C,

Provides fibre (keeps bowels healthy), carbohydrates provide energy and proteins provide essential amino acids.
Consists of essential
minerals and vitamins.
Plain yogurt is 85% to 88% water. You’ll get calcium, vitamin B12 riboflavin and probiotics.

92% of water. It is a good source of vitamin C and, also has lycopene, an antioxidant that may help protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

Cucumber is packed with mineral rich fluids and keeps the body well hydrated.
Tomato and pepper are packed with  health enhancing  nutrients.

Rich in fibre helps remove toxins
Celery has its
anti-inflammatory  effect

Salmon is essential to a good diet it contains omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals
Couscous provides vitamin B carbohydrate and protein  

During the day drink plenty of water and drink a glass of water half an hour before your meal.  During the day try to avoid consumption of alcohol because it increases the dehydration.  The food plan contains a glass of wine in the evening meal for relaxation. Enjoy these healthy dishes!