Friday, 28 December 2018

Gluten-Free Ham Cake for Sylvester Night
Just three more days and the New Year party is here. If you want to celebrate it with good home made food, here is one. It is delicious and easy to make, you can serve it with salad, or it is a very good side dish for cold meat.
You can see in the list of ingredients it is wheat –free, suitable for gluten-free diet.

 Ingredients for 6
Medium eggs
Almond flour
Corn meal
Milk  (if you are vegetarian you can use almond milk)
150 ml ( cup)
Olive oil
150 ml  (cup)
Ham cut  (the vegetarian option roughly grated hard cheese)
10-15 without stone
Tomato cubed and dewatered
1 big
1 tsp
Up to your taste
½ tps

Turn the oven on 1600C
Mix the ingredients in a bowl using a hand mixer.
Transfer the mixture into a buttered baking tin (approximately 30cm x10cm x 10cm)
Bake it at 1600C  about 40-45 minutes.

Cup cake option:
I you prefer cup cakes instead slices.

Use the ingredients above and transfer the mixture into 15-20 cupcake tins, the top can be decorated with pumpkin seeds.  Bake them at 1600C about 20 minutes.

Friday, 14 December 2018

Lentil should occupy a great part in a healthy diet

Lentils, Lens Culinaris, belong to the Family of Fabaceae. It is an edible legume. The types of lentils are the followings;  brown, black, red and green. Using these cooked lentils we prepare different dishes due to their different tastes and consistencies. Example the cooked brown lentils are suitable for soups, the red lentils are used for puree and the greens and blacks are tasty in salad.
Lentils contain high level of proteins, so eating lentils you can replace meat in meals. They are also a very good source of dietary fibres. Lentils are excellent source of foliate, thiamine, vitamin B1, B6, pantothenic acid and minerals; potassium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorous, zinc, molybdenum and selenium.
Consumption of plant foods like lentils can reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. The selenium in lentils prevents inflammation and reduces tumour growth rate. The calcium, potassium and magnesium can help to decrease the blood pressure.
According to the facts above lentils should occupy a great part of your  healthy diet.

Red lentil soup
Red lentil
Chopped red pepper
Chopped onions
Chopped tomatoes
1 tsp
Greek yogurt
2 tbsp

Cook the 1-7 ingredients for 10-15 minutes. Add the Greek yogurt before serving.