Monday 1 May 2017

Health Benefits of Kohlrabi
Ms H

Kohlrabi or turnip cabbage Brassica oleracea, Gongylodes group a biennial plant that  takes two years to complete its biological lifecycle.
Nutrition values of kohlrabi:
Low in calories 27kcal /100g and high in fibre, excellent vegetable for weight loss.
Vitamins; vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin K
Minerals: potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorous
Health benefits of kohlrabi:
Its high potassium content enables it to increase blood circulation throughout the body, oxygenating key areas, and lowering blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular events like strokes or heart attack. The high potassium content also helps in our nerve and muscle functions. The significant levels of iron found in kohlrabi with the potassium content, prevent iron deficiency. Vegetables like kohlrabi, with high manganese, iron, and calcium contents prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin A can help to prevent macular degeneration and slow down or eliminate the appearance of cataracts.

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