Friday, 1 February 2019

Cleaning fruits and vegetables

The fruits and vegetables you buy may look clean when you pick them at the grocery store but it is not the case. Have you ever wondered where these fruits and vegetables were before your bought them? They were handled by so many different hands all the way from the farm to the supermarket store. Some products are covered with wax like lemon and apple or treated with ethene like banana. To extend the self-life of cucumber it is covered with chemicals and packed in PVC foil. The not organic vegetables and fruits were treated with pesticides and herbicides during their life on the farm, which are recorded and safe by the time when a costumer picks them up. The organic grocery has lot of bacteria and unregistered chemicals on them, which are potential risk to your health. Cleaning your fruits and vegetables is very important especially when you plan to eat them raw. Using water to clean to remove the surface bacteria and chemicals may not be of great help.
·      Wash your hands with soap before preparing food
·      Do not wash fruit and vegetable with detergents
·      Wash thick skin vegetables using brush to remove microbes before peeling and wash them after with cold water.
·      Cauliflowers, broccoli, green leafy vegetables should be soaked for 2-3 minutes in cold water with cider vinegar.
·      Fruits with wax and cucumber should be washed with warm water and cider vinegar.

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