Thursday 26 January 2017

Health Benefits of Rosemary
Ms H 

Rosemary is an evergreen plant, herb, so its needle-like leaves can be picked all year around. Fresh and dried leaves are used to flavour many dishes. Tea made by infusing chopped leaves in boiling water has its health benefits, one example; it helps digestion. Rosemary oil is widely used as natural remedy.
In ancient Egypt they used it in remembrance putting springs and wreath on tombs.
The health benefits of rosemary are the followings:
·       reduces  anxiety, elevates mood, provides calming effects
  • brain protector, improves memory
  • headache and general pain, reliever
  • anti-inflammatory effect makes it helpful treating Arthritis,
  • immune system promoter
  • digestion soother
  • improves  circulation
  • detoxifies the liver
  • protects against DNA damage,  cancer preventer  (due to containing carnosol, a compound found to have anti-cancer properties)
  • anti-ageing effect on skin and hair.

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