Thursday 10 May 2018

Gluten-Free Bread

If you are on strict gluten-free diet and you are avoiding processed foods, here it is a tasty home made bread for you.

Dry yeast
½ of a pack
Gluten-free flour
Flax seed flour
2 tbsp       ground seeds
Chia seed flour
2 tbsp       ground seeds
Butter  melted
100 g
Egg yolk
1 tsp
Xanthan gum
1 tsp
Sunflower seeds
1 tbsp
Pumpkin seeds
1 tbsp
Small amount if it is needed

·      Mix the flours, xanthan gum and the butter well
·      Add the remaining ingredients and dough it well
·      Be careful with the water, the dough should be soft but not runny.
·      Leave the dough for 30 minutes
·      Transfer the dough into a well buttered small soup pan, put the lid on and leave it for 50 minutes
·      Preheat the oven at 2000C
·      Water the top of the bread and with a wet knife cut the top into quarters, water the inside of the lid.
·      Place the pan with the lid on into the oven for 45 minutes (so you can see that you cannot use a pan with plastic handle)
·      After 45 minutes take the top off and bake the bread for another 5-8 minutes.
·      Fold it onto a wooden chopping board for cooling

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