Gluten intolerance and Coeliac condition |
When immune system sees the gluten as an invader antibodies
and B cells or B lymphocyte are produced dealing with them.

While your body mistakenly attacks gland
tissues, muscles or other tissues in different organs that are similar in
structure to gluten an autoimmune disease can develop. The most common
presentations of gluten sensitivity are the neurological symptoms;
migraines ,
The second most common appearances of gluten intolerance are
the hormone problems that can link to infertility or
thyroid problems.
The gastrointestinal symptoms, known as coeliac condition,
are the least common presentation of gluten sensitivity.
1% of the population suffer
in celiac disease, which is neither allergy neither intolerance to gluten.
Coeliac disease as you can see is an autoimmune condition when the immune
system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues. In this case the immune system
mistakes substance found inside gluten as a hazard to the body and attacks it.
The gluten is a protein
found in wheat, rye and barley, which provides elasticity to dough, plays
essential role in rising and gives the final texture. This condition causes
inflammation in the small intestines, which damages the villi, disrupting the
body's ability to absorb nutrients from food. What causes the immune system to
act in this way is not clear, it could be the combination of a genetic make-up and
an environment issue. About 95% of people with celiac condition have the
HLA-DQ2 gene and most of the remaining 5% have the HLA-DQ8 gene. Genetic
testing can show these genes, so you are at high risk if any other family
member already has this condition.
The symptoms of gluten sensitive condition are the
urgency to use the toilet after a meal.
abdominal pain,
weight loss,
bone and joint pain,
you feeling tired because
of the lack of food.
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