Last week I was travelling in the Land of Szekely’s in
In Zetevaralja I have met
Lenke Kosztan who has told me how
to make a traditional “puliszka”. It is a traditional dish for the local
Szekely folks.
This is a gluten–free meal containing corn meal and
They boil the water in a special dish used for this food only
on the stove.
Add pinch of salt and the mixture of the corn meal and
polenta to the boiling water. The ratio of the water and the corn mixture is
Stir it continuously scraping the corn from the side of the
The cooking time is approximately 15-20 minutes.
When it is cooked you empty the dish into a plate and butter its
outside. It will look like a cake. Cut
it into layers ( 2 or 3 ) and add crumbled or cut feta cheese into each layer and
build the cake back together. Pour some Greek yogurt on the top.
Place it into the oven heated to 190 0C for 5 minutes pour more yogurt on it and serve it.
this is delicious