Antiaging Foods for Health
All good health plans begin with the foods we
eat. Many people think that swallowing a vitamin or exercise is all that is
necessary for good health. Homeostasis or balanced health is the result of
doing several things well. Yet foods,and lots of it, are at the very core.
I have provided a list of foods that are
balanced and promote healing. These foods reverse the aging process, promote
weight loss, ward off cancers and heart disease, and encourage radiant skin.
Learn to select and make your meals from the list
below. A good meal would consist of a lean protein, vegetable (steamed or raw)
and/or a small amount of carbohydrates like brown rice, beans or even fruit.
"The natural healing force within each one of us is the
greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine
should be our food." ----Hippocrates
vegetables fall into this category. But especially important are the
cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, spinach, romaine lettuce and
Brussels sprouts. Learn to eat green vegans. They are the most critical antiaging
foods you can consume.
The green veggies contain beta carotenes and
phytonutrient flavanoids that are excellent anti-cancer prevention
remedies--especially prostate, ovarian and breast cancers.
Just as important is to eat from the rainbow.
Try all manner and preparations of these essential foods. Fix salads and
incorporate veggies you like and spice to your taste. Begin a juicing or
smoothie regiment.
Here is one method I use. Steam veggies-your
choice-for 5 minutes then add a teaspoon of butter or olive oil, a sprinkle of
pepper and salt and add some grated cheese. YUM YUM!! The key here is to USE
SPICES you like to flavor your foods. For raw veggies I like sliced tomatoes,
artichokes, avocados, baby carrots and salads.
Blueberries contain a phytonutrient called anthocyanidins. Whew!! I can't even
pronounce it. These are very powerful antioxidants that prevent cancer, macular
degeneration, heart disease, and cancer to name a few. An interesting fact is
that red wine contains resveratrol.
Resveratrol contains anthocyanidans which is
touted as an anti aging and heart health nutrient. Blueberries have more
anthocyanidins than red wine. These are great in a fruit salad, vegetable
juice, or yogurt during morning or afternoon break.
NUTS AND SEEDS--Nuts generally are good sources of minerals, vitamin E, and
good natural fats we need in our bodies.Almonds are great for heart health and
pumpkin seeds promote prostate health. I like to mix raw almonds, walnuts,
pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. It makes for a great snack. Nuts also make a
great afternoon snack and stops hunger in it's tracks.
FRUIT-- Apples, oranges, Kiwi,
grapefruit, bananas etc. Fruits are great antiaging foods. Fruits have large
amounts of fiber which allows good digestion, they provide antioxidants and are
the bodies general cleansers.
A recent study predicted that if everyone ate
the 5 required fruits and vegetables daily, we could reduce heart and cancer
diseases by 50%--60%. I like fruits in all
different combinations for a morning or afternoon break.
small amounts of lean protein throughout the day. LEAN PROTEINS
while sleeping.
Antiaging Protein foods like hormone free
chicken, turkey, eggs, lean beef cuts, beans and fish should be a regular part
of a daily diet. Fish (like salmon) have high DMAE's and promote skin health
and texture.
Fish also carries high amounts of vitamin D
which is huge in overall health. One word of caution is to locate sources of
fish and meats that are heavy metal free and steroid free.
prevent blood clotting thereby reducing atherosclerosis in blood vessels.
Mushrooms are a great source of manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium,
copper, and zinc. They are also rich in vitamins B2,B3,B5,B6 and iron.
They are also loaded down with a variety of
phytonutrients. Mushrooms go good in salads, soups, and stews. Recommendations
state that they should not be cooked more than 7 minutes.
BEANS AND LEGUMES--Beans and legumes are potent sources of minerals especially
molybdenum, manganese, phosphourous, magnesium, copper, potassium and iron.
They also are a high source of fiber. For instance, a cooked cup of pinto beans
provides 62% of the recommended daily fiber.
16000 men from several different countries
were studied on the basis of their food consumption. Their diet was closely
monitored. The men who consistently consumed beans and legumes on a regular
basis were found to have an 82% reduction in heart attack risk.
Some beans like pinto beans contain folate
which is incredibly important nutrient in heart health. Beans have great flavor
and are a good complex carbohydrate to consume with lean proteins.
GARLIC AND ONIONS--These Allium veggies contain sulfur compounds that give them
their strong odors. Research has shown these sulfur containing veggies
prevent anti clotting of red blood cells,
lower total cholesterol, and high triglycerides. Garlic provides protection to
blood vessel lining and prevents blood clots which cause heart attacks.
Dice your onions, garlic or scallions first
and let them set for at least 5 to 10 minutes before combining for cooking.
This fully releases the Allium enzymes and optimizes their health related
properties. Garlic and onions add incredible flavor to your foods. Use them
WATER--Most people don't
consider water as part of their health food profile. But it is vitally
important. When we consider our bodies are 60-70% water, it must be a vital
consideration to our health plan. Here are some interesting facts about water:
Our blood, tissues and organs are primarily composed of water.
Most nutrients move about our bodies by water.
Water is key to toxin removal.
Water is required for every single body function.
Water lubricates joints and acts like a shock absorber. Many
arthritics could reduce pain by water consumption.
Water is a solvent. It dissolves nutrients and electrolytes and
promotes transmission of these elements throughout the body.
Water regulates body temperature. It keeps us warm when we are
cold and cools when we are hot by perspiration.
Did you know the average American has 7 to 25
pounds of fecal matter stored in their colons. You can actually begin losing
weight by increasing water consumption. Water flushes the colon.
Loma Linda university concluded a study on
20000 Seventh Day Adventists. They found those individuals who consumed at
least 5 glasses of water daily were 50% less likely to die of heart
One more important point. Coffee, soft drinks,
juice and other drinks does not count as water consumption. Every person needs
good quality filtered water-not bottled water. Bottled water contains plastic
OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION = 1 quart / 50lbs of body
weight daily
So for example a 150 lb person would require 3
quarts daily of good quality water.
Good health is a result of a disciplined
lifestyle lived out. At the core is proper eating. But exercise, vitamin
supplementation, and weight training are also vital components to the equation.
Our website is full of detailed information to help you out at any phase of
your journey. Let us help you
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