Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Fats: All About How They Affect Your Health and Diet

Good fats, vs bad fats. Saturated fats vs. unsaturated fats. Have you ever wondered about which is which? Anyone even remotely trying to eat healthy these days has some task of trying to decipher the terms and jargon related to our intake of them, their sources, what to avoid and what to eat for health. It's enough to leave you flabbergasted. The important question are: how good or important are fatty acids to your health? What ones are bad? How do you identify one from the other?
Let's take some time to examine some of the facts related to fats and their fatty acids.
What are fats?
Fats are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are a source of energy for those who consume them. They also provide a whopping 9 calories per gram (as opposed to protein and carbohydrates which provide only 4 calories per gram).
All fats are combinations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and are essential for proper functioning of the body. Fats provide essential fatty acids which aren't produced by the body itself such as omegas 3 and 6.
The essential fatty acids found in omegas 3 and 6, are delivered to the body through linolenic, linoleic and oleic acid. They have many important functions such as controlling blood clotting and brain development as well as for reduction of inflammation.

What are the different types of fats?
There are four types of fats:
Saturated fats which are the biggest contributor to LDL (bad cholesterol). The "good cholesterol" HDL helps sweep the bad to the liver where it can be broken down and swept from the body. Theses fats are usually solid at room temperature.
Examples are: butter, cheese, milk, ice cream and fatty meats.
Unsaturated fats lower cholesterol when used in place of saturated fats. But, they still have quite a few calories so, it is best to limit the use of them.
Mono unsaturated fat - examples are olive oil, canola oil.
Polyunsaturated - fish, safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oil.
Trans Fatty Acids can increase the LDL(bad cholesterol) and decrease the HDL (good cholesterol).
Examples are: donuts, french fries, cookies, crackers and margarine.
Partially hydrogenated (partly hard oils) example: margarine.
In summary
Be careful of the quantities and types of oil consumed for better health. Remember that fatty acids are essential to good health and functioning of the body. Omegas 3, 6 and 9 are important in the functioning of the immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Some examples of sources of "good fats" are: brazil nuts, walnuts, flaxseed oil, some dark green leafy vegetables and fish oils.
As always, continue to read the labels to make informed decisions about foods for you and your family.
Sherl Wilsher is a nurse who is dedicated to writing about natural health and beauty topics. As the numbers of folks is growing who are tired of the adverse effects of chemicals, preservatives and drugs on health, these individuals are looking for sources of reliable information in educating themselves on important health topics.

What is your opinion about the grains and the processed gluten free foods? The diet is not easy.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Healthy Foods & Drinks

Food and drinks are necessary for survival and the gathering and preparation of foods and beverages consumes a large portion of our daily lives and consists of a large portion of the economy. People have become accustomed to easy access processed foods. Whereas the viewpoint of food was once "eat to live", it is now "live to eat".
Among other things, this change in philosophy seems to have correlated with the increased size of the American population. The ease at which food can be obtained, the multitude of food choices, the speed of both food production and preparation has all contributed to the growing waistline and declining nutritional values. As of 2010, approximately 66% of adults over age 20 are overweight to obese. Diabetes and childhood obesity are on the rise. Is it possible in this world of convenient fast meals and processed foods to live to eat without gaining weight, raising our cholesterol levels and increasing our risk to diabetes?
Healthy eating in the new century is easier than ever. Rather than turning to processed foods and drinks, buying high fat fast foods or eating sugary snacks people can use the convenience of today's markets to make healthy food and drink choices. The trend toward healthy eating is spreading. Grocery stores now offer many fresh snacks, ready-made meals, energy drinks and even post easy to see nutritional information. Fast food chains are now cooking with healthier oils, eliminating saturate fats, offering lower calorie meals and offering non-sugary beverages in children's meals. Farmers markets offering fresh local organic produce can be found in most cities. All of these changes have happened quickly so a review on what exactly is healthy eating and drinking may be needed for the benefits to take place throughout the population.
Many people are familiar with the U.S. guidelines for proper nutrition whether it is knowledge of the four basic food groups or familiarity with the food pyramid. Advances in research have led the U S Department of Agriculture and the U S Office of Health and Human Resources to update the guidelines for healthy eating. Now these guidelines will be updated every five years. New guidelines will be published April 20, 2010 based on the latest research. The old guidelines recommended four food groups and the amounts people consume have been changed. There are now six food groups and recommendations are made not based on specific serving sizes of each group, but on a nutrient dense plan. Recommendations are made for special groups including children, women, those over fifty and even vegetarians or other special diets.
The new food groups are: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans, oils and discretionary calories. Currently the departments suggest a healthy diet include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free milk products. Include but in moderation lean meats, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. Limit saturated fats, cholesterol, salt and added sugars.
An all-around healthy diet includes nutrient dense foods from a variety of the food groups. Emphasis is on colorful vegetables and fruit, limit intake of animal proteins and use oils sparingly. Variety and individuality in diet is important. No two people have the same nutrient needs; each should examine their own eating plan and adjust accordingly.
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Friday, 24 April 2015

Here is the list of vitamins: C,A and minerals: calcium, potassium and iron

Thursday, 23 April 2015

The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Make Cooking Mashed Potatoes   by Woman Messy

Everyone looks forward to the sides at Thanksgiving €" they're the best part, after all. But no one's going to reach for seconds of the mashed potatoes if they're gluey or cold or tasteless. Start out with your favorite recipe (this is a great one!), avoid these common pitfalls, and your guests will be begging you to make mashed potatoes every year.
1. Using the wrong type of potatoes
Choose higher starch potatoes (like Russets or Yukon golds) for the fluffiest, smoothest mash. They also absorb flavorings more easily. Waxy potatoes (such as red or white varieties) require more mashing to become creamy, which could lead to the dreaded "potato paste."
2. Not salting the water
When potatoes cook, the starch granules swell and absorb water and €" if you've added it €" salt. You won't need to add as much at the end, and your final product will be well-seasoned, not bland.
3. Starting them in hot water
Cover them with cold water, add salt, then heat to boiling and reduce to a simmer. If you start in hot water, they'll cook unevenly, with the outside falling apart before the inside is cooked.
4. Under-draining

Make sure to drain well after cooking. You want them to taste like potatoes, not water. If you'd like, gently reheat the drained potatoes on the stovetop to dry them out slightly before mashing.
5. Adding your flavorings straight from the fridge
Let your butter come to room temperature before melting it into the hot potatoes, then mash in the warm milk or cream. It will be absorbed more easily, and won't cool everything down.
6. Overworking
The swollen starch granules in your cooked potatoes are in a delicate state. Mashing them too vigorously €" say, in the food processor €" or for too long releases lots of starch, which can make them gluey and unappetizing. (Need help choosing the right tool? Our Institute experts weigh in.) Be gentle with your potatoes, and you'll be rewarded with light, fluffy spuds, and happy, well-fed guests.
7. Making them too far ahead
We're big fans of preparing food ahead of time, especially when there's lots of cooking involved, but potatoes don't take kindly to sitting around for long periods. Refrigerating them overnight sounds like a no-brainer, but they'll start to taste like cardboard. Want to make them ahead anyway? You can hold the prepared potatoes in a heat-proof bowl, with the surface covered with plastic wrap, over a pot of simmering water for up to 2 hours. If you have a slow-cooker with a Warm setting, that will work too. Fluff €em up again before serving.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

preparation of a healthy salad

About the paleo diet

What Are Power Foods - Tips for Healthy Skin?   by Terry Valdez

There is an egotistical desire for many to look younger and feel younger. A lot of advertising money is poured into the personal care industry and cosmetic industry every year. In fact, $10 billion USD is spent annually on cosmetics. Cosmetics is an industry geared at advertising the enhancement of beauty. Their general target is women.
It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate the chemicals placed into cosmetics. The thousands of chemicals found in these products are highly absorbable. The reason why beauty companies and personal care companies can add these ingredients is that they require no government review or approval.
In my article, "Dangerous Chemicals In Makeup - A Look Into 4 Toxic Chemicals" I go into more detail regarding these toxic chemicals. But, this article is going to review some healthier ways of looking your best without having to use cosmetics. This article will review four power foods that can help to enhance your beauty and your skin the natural way. Power foods are foods that provide nourishment and nutrition towards the skin. This nourishment will promote glowing skin naturally enhancing the beauty of an individual. Here are some foods that are tips for healthy skin.

Olive Oil and Olives
Why Olives? Well, olives are known for oils which have the highest natural source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to nourish the skin by repairing connective tissue. The healthy fats in olive oil work together to keep the skin smooth and to boost the immune system.
Green and crunchy, cucumbers are high in silicon. One tip about eating cucumbers make sure that they are organic, because they are often grown with pesticides and waxed in stores. It is also important to note that cucumbers are fantastic for cleansing the body.
Radishes play an important role in connective tissue formation. The importance of creating connective tissue formation is to work together to create glowing skin. The nourishment that the radish includes a high content in sulfur, silicon and vitamin C.
Most of us can think of avocados as a side dish often used in guacamole, but there are reasons why people need to consume avocados. They are abundant in vitamins and minerals that are crucial towards the development of the body and the skin. These vitamins and minerals include: beta - carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E, K, selenium, zinc, folate, potassium, glutathione and healthy fats to nourish the body and skin.
Tips for Healthy Skin - Complete Nourishment
These foods provide many of the vitamins and minerals needed to provide nourishment towards the body. But, have you ever heard of the term juicing?
Juicing is when you mix all the vegetables and fruits together in order for an individual to receive their daily nourishment. However, the problem with nourishment is that it can be expensive; because you would have to buy all these fruits and vegetables to meet your daily needs. Eating healthy and fresh foods is said to be the best way to receive your vitamins and minerals to the body. The reason why it is better to consume organic foods is because it is much easily absorbed by the body. Hence, juicing is a popular way to receive your nourishment.
If you would like to learn how to receive 90+ verifiable vitamins and minerals in one product, and learn how to stay healthy with one organic product, then click get organic.
For a free report, and if you would like to learn how to be rewarded using proper nutrition then click here.
Mr. Terry Valdez is a professional marketer dedicated to the success of personal growth; financial growth; and health and wellness of individuals. His passions are educating people towards healthier lifestyles while helping people towards a financially free future. To download his free report, please click here to learn on how you can gain a healthier lifestyle that can lead towards financial freedom.

About the Author

Terry Valdez is a professional marketer, health and wellness adviser; and professional writer that helps people live a much more fulfilling lifestyle. You can contact me at my office in North Dakota at 701.575.0155 to learn on how you can live a much healthier lifestyle; and I can do a free 1-on-1 consultation on how to live that healthier lifestyle. Or, you can download my free report here.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Do you consider the cross reactive foods like coffee in your gluten free diet?

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Fresh Salad Is a Healthier Snack   by Mazen Hawa

Nothing can be better that a fresh salad in a hot summer day! The added advantage of having a salad is that they will not be adding extra calories that you detest or at least crave to reduce. Many of us try to cut down on calories and end up every week, with a new one because we have left it somewhere in the middle. The primary culprit behind this is that mid-time snack we splurge on and enjoy, to feel guilty later on. Even though we know it is not good to have that extra bowl of cheesy fries, we just indulge, because nothing else is in front of us.
The best way to stop this craving is to find some great salad to enjoy and cut down calories. I know, salad may not sound as interesting and exciting as a cheesy fry, but there are ways in which we can make it colourful.
Salad, although brings to our mind of those mixtures of veggies, fruits and all that nourishing nuts, may not sound so tempting when we are ravenous. However, when we give it a gentle twist to it and have every ingredient put together to make it more scrumptious, it can turn out to be a great snack to have and relish.
There are ways in which you can make a salad mouthwatering and delicious:
€ Fresh salads made of just fruits and vegetables may not sound so tempting. A small amount of your favourite dressing added to it, can add on to its appeal.
€ Nuts are nourishing and contain far fewer calories than our cheesy fry. Add a handful of mixed nuts, to make that a significant twist in the middle. This salad can make a healthy, nutritious snack.
€ Why not add a few pieces of meat, lean pieces, to make it nutritious, but at the same time, not calorie full.
There are many other ways by which you can mix and match to produce some outstanding salads. If you do not have enough ingredients, try out some salad joints, which specialise especially in this healthy snack item. is one of the leading online Salad destinations in Dubai offering its signature salad.
A fresh salad is always refreshing and easy to fix up a snack or a main meal. One can have salad everyday and still be greedy. The secret lies in how you fix it up and make it interesting and fascinating every day.

About the Author

Richys cafeteria JLT is one of the leading online Salad destinations in Dubai offering its signature- Create your own salad. also offers wholesome salad recipes like chicken caesar salad, nicoise salad, mixed fruit salad, diet food, chicken salads, classic salads and other that will bring you a whole new level of palatable. 

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Benefits of Using Dairy Products for Cooking!   by Himanshu Srivastava 

What are the benefits?Now that we have introduced you to the several courses of food where dairy milk products are being used, let's talk about the benefits of using them:
-It's healthy!
A simple fact that a lot of us are yet to make ourselves aware of is that dairy products are rich source of calcium. This calcium is an important part of nutrition that the body needs to grow. After all, calcium is what keeps your bones strong and maintains a healthy bone density. The dairy product manufacturers are constantly trying to increase awareness about this fact. Sometimes, even the doctors prescribe pregnant women, growing children, old people, etc. to increase intake of dairy products rich in calcium so as to maintain a healthy bone density.
-A complete food!
When people are sick or experiencing loss of appetite, doctors often ask them to have dairy products like milk. In addition to calcium, milk is a rich source of several other key nutrients needed for the functioning of the human body. This makes milk a complete and healthy food item.
-Blends well with different types of food!
Milk, cream, butter, cheese, etc. are ingredients that can easily blend with several different types of items to create mouth-watering delicacies. This is also seen as an advantage in the kitchen.
Using the right dairy products!
We have already told you that dairy products are healthy but in order to avail these health benefits, it's important to purchase them from reputed brands like Gopaljee milk product manufacturers. After all, every Gopaljee milk product is manufactured in accordance to the highest standards of quality ensuring that you and your family are getting only what is really good for health!
For more details- gopaljee dairy foods pvt ltd

Friday, 17 April 2015

How Natural Sweetener Can Add Taste to Your Sugarless Food Items!   by Max Dever

if you are suffering from diabetes then there is nothing to worry about as you can opt for natural sweetener for Sugar for diabetics, suitable for diabetics
Diabetes is one of the common diseases that affect an individual. It can affect people of any age. Don't think that just because you are an elderly individual you are going to suffer from diabetes. One of the most common cures for this ailment is insulin injections. But that is not enough. You need to make sure that you follow a healthy lifestyle so that in the long run you can lead a fit and active life. Following are some of the guidelines that you need to follow:
€Visit a dietician and opt for a proper diet that will take into account this ailment. Stick to the diet recommended by the dietician. Do not eat additional sugar. Avoid sugar as much as you can.
€Exercise. There is no alternative to exercise. So go for regular walk or jogging so that your blood pressure remains normal and you remain fit.
€Drink lots of water. Drink as many as 8 to 12 glasses of water so that the fluid intake is normal.
Although it is true that you should avoid consuming sugar as much as possible but we all know that like salt even sugar is also required to impress that taste of the food. So what do you do? Simple, you opt for sugar free supplements that will act as natural sweetener. These supplements will provide you with the taste but will do away with the harmful impact of sugar. They are highly beneficial and people across the globe have made them a part of their daily life. There are many online stores that deal in them. They come in different bottle sizes which mean that you can try out a sample pack before you go ahead and place the order for the bigger bottle.

Once you place the order, make the payment and provide them with the address they will deliver it at the address provided. However before you go ahead and place the order have a discussion with your dietician as to whether you should include these items which are suitable for diabetics in your daily diet. Although these supplements are 100% safe yet it is best to consult your dietician to be surer.
These sweeteners' have no artificial flavour, no calories and taste great. You can use them in your favorite recipes as well. If you were unable to enjoy a pastry or a cake simply because of your diabetes then there is nothing to worry about. Use this supplement instead of natural sugar to prepare the cake and eat your favorite food to your heart's content. Give your Sugar for diabetics, life and eating habits a complete makeover with these supplements. No more boring food, no more skipping your favorite items to remain fit and active. Give your life a new dimension with this sweetener. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and place your order today only. Check out the site to decide which bottle size you will purchase. Try a small bottle before you go to the bigger one.

About the Author

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

If you must eat gluten free food do not go for the processed food because it lacks some of the nutrients and cotains more sugar, fat and chemicals. Use the natural gluten free grains.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Gluten Free Living Tips   by Geabriel Garretit

Recent studies suggest that 1 in 250 people are living with celiac disease, a lifelong, dangerous intolerance to gluten-containing foods such as wheat, rye, kamut, spelt, barley and oats. An even larger percentage of the population suffers allergy, sensitivity, or food intolerance to glutens, without having full-blown celiac disease. For those following a strict vegan diet, imposing a gluten restriction considerably reduces already reduced menu options. But while a gluten-free vegan diet requires extra creativity and vigilance, it can be maintained--deliciously. After years of experimentation, I decided to share what I have learned.

If you've been diagnosed with or suspect celiac disease or a wheat allergy, the severity of your symptoms will determine how much you change your diet. For celiacs, ingestion of proteins (glutens) found in cereal grains damage the small intestines and can result in abdominal cramping, anemia, low bone density and body weight, lupus, fatigue, depression, and a host of other ills. The only known treatment for celiac disease is a lifelong avoidance of all glutens. On the other hand, people who suffer wheat or gluten sensitivity usually feel better on a gluten-free diet, but they may grow to tolerate some forms of "forbidden grains." For example, eating durum or semolina pasta gives me an excruciating migraine headache, yet I have no problem eating sprouted Ezekiel bread.

Glutens can affect our health in surprising ways. Particularly if you have unsuccessfully "tried everything" to treat a health issue, you might want to try a gluten-elimination diet. When you reintroduce glutens, observe your reactions. Acne, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches, constipation, and asthma are some of the many problems occasionally relieved by avoiding gluten.

Unfortunately, wheat and its gluten-containing cousins appear in more foods than you might expect. Reading labels only helps if you can recognize the ingredients. Some hidden forms of gluten include:

modified food starch
textured vegetable protein
hydrolyzed plant protein
extenders and binders
hydrolyzed vegetable protein


Most restaurant and canned soups contain flour, pasta or barley, and commercial enchilada sauces and "Spanish rice" mixes usually contain some form of wheat. At this point, all packaged veggie burgers and sausages contain wheat; however, a gluten-free veggie burger will supposedly be released by mid-2004. Always check the ingredient list, even on products like Rice Chex, which uses malt as a sweetener. Kashi cereal, which contains kashi, or buckwheat (a non-gluten grain), also contains wheat.

Due to the growing demand for gluten-free processed foods, a number of companies have begun to offer nut and rice crackers to replace more traditional snacks, and many health food stores carry at least one gluten-free cereal. Mochi, a Japanese rice treat, contains no gluten and can often be found in the refrigerated section of natural food stores. The cinnamon raisin version with a little "vegan butter" usually satisfies my craving for cinnamon buns. Arrowhead Mills also offers a wide variety of flours and gluten-free products, available in most health food stores and online. Following a whole foods, organic diet will not necessarily remove all the hidden glutens from your plate. If you prefer home baked goods, then Bette Hagmann's The Gluten-Free Gourmet belongs in your kitchen. She includes recipes for two flour mixtures that exchange cup for cup with all-purpose flour. Hagmann also offers recipes for biscuits, potpies, stews, and other tasty, normally wheat-laden treats.

About the Author

Geabriel has been helping those with gluten intolerence for several years, with great results.

breakingdown of wheat

Monday, 13 April 2015

Good news for the people with coeliac condition: more restaurants and cafeterias provide different gluten –free products. The highest cafeteria in Europe “CafĂ© 3440m” situated on top of the peak in 3400m above the sea level surrounded by series of peaks producing an eye-catching panorama. In this breathtaking place appetizing gluten free chocolate cake is served, made of buckwheat.