Sunday 24 January 2016

The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil
By Anne Clarke  

You may be surprised about how healthful flaxseed oil really is! It seems almost like a panacea - flaxseed oil has been used to treat practically any and all ailments. If you are experiencing any of the problems listed below, you may want to consider taking flaxseed oil. Of course, talk with a doctor before taking flaxseed oil for an extended period of time - realize that there are possible side effects.
· Heart disease
· Sunburn
· Parkinson's disease
· Prostate problems
· Psoriasis
· Shingles
· Stroke
· Acne
· Back pain
· Crohn's disease
· Hair problems
· Fatigue
· Hemorrhoids
· High blood pressure
· Impotence
· Cataracts
· Cancer prevention
· Menopause
· Nail problems
· Multiple sclerosis
· High cholesterol
· Kidney damage prevention
· Diabetes
· Dry eyes

If you are not too keen on flaxseed oil, you can find powder-filled flaxseed capsules. Flaxseed is also used in many food products.
The positive effects and excellent benefits of flaxseed seem to be never-ending. But realize that the benefits of flaxseed oil are still being tested and proven - what seems to work for one person may not work for another. Also realize the potential of negative effects (of course, for many, the high chance of positive effects greatly outweighs the low chance of negative effects).
Again, as stated before, talk with your doctor about using flaxseed oil or other flaxseed products. Also, do not use flaxseed oil as a substitution for any doctor-prescribed medication unless a doctor directs you to do so!
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, nutrition, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on flaxseed oil, please visit Flaxseed Oil [].

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