Saturday, 20 February 2016

3 Reasons Why You May Gain Weight On A Gluten Free Diet

People deal with trying to lose weight all the time. They hear about this or that diet and try a few of them. Those same people may have heard about a gluten free diet and how people are not only losing weight but keeping the weight off for much longer periods. So they decide to try the gluten free diet and they end up gaining weight. Why did this happen?
I have pinpointed three major reasons why people are apt to gain weight when on this type of diet. There certainly could be several others and it would be in your best interest to explore every possibility. But it seems like from the research I have done the following are the 3 major reasons.
Gluten Free Junk Food
Just because a food is labeled as gluten free does not make it automatically nutritious. In fact, due to these foods tending to be a bit blander than their non gluten free counter parts, many manufacturers put fillers in these foods to try and compensate for the lesser flavors. Just remember that junk food is junk food no matter what type of diet you are on.
Lack Of Exercise
It really doesn't matter what type of diet you are on. If you don't get exercise you are going to find it very difficult to lose weight. More likely, you will be prone to gain weight. We need to burn fat and build muscle. No diet is going to do that for you.
So now you know you need to exercise but how much exercise should you get? If you are used to not doing any than any increase in activity is better than where you've been doing, i.e., none. It is way better to do fifteen minutes a day of moderate exercise than it is to do an hour of intense workout and then burn yourself out. The latter scenario serves to defeat the purpose. With moderate exercise, but consistent (three to five times per week) you can gradually increase your intensity and time period of your workout. Believe me, if you are consistent in your workout you will start to lose weight and that motivates many to keep with it.

Not Enough Fiber
Fiber has been shown to help people lose weight. It does this because when you eat foods rich in fiber you tend to get full quicker than if you were to eat starchy or sugar based foods. Plus fiber will help you clear out your system so to speak.
But one of the bigger problems with a gluten free diet, all things being equal, it tends to have much less fiber and hence people will be apt to gain weight on such a diet because they are not getting the necessary fiber.
These are the three major reasons why it's possible that people will gain weight when on a gluten free diet. One of the best things you can do for yourself before starting any diet is to seek the advice of a registered dietician. They can help construct the right plan for you that can keep you eating the right foods and if weight loss is your goal, they can tailor the diet to suit your needs. It's all about balance and making sure you are optimizing these components, i.e., limit junk food, get more exercise, and take in more fiber in your diet, etc. Doing this you are likely to increase your chances of losing weight or at the very least not gaining any more.
If you are looking to lose weight and are considering a gluten free diet, then having the right kind of information can be a real help in such a situation. Click here for more information on how to do this right.

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