Sunday, 14 February 2016

Cucumber - Weight Loss and Deep Purification
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Cucumber is the best diet of all dietary products. It contains 95-98% of water, and thus contains the minimum of calories intake. But the remaining interest is useful - cucumber is a valuable source of alkaline salts, which can slow the aging process and the formation of stones in the kidneys and liver. For this cucumber is called orderly of organism.
Benefits of cucumber
Cucumbers, in contrary to popular opinion, stimulate appetite and increase the acidity of gastric juice - so they cannot be carried away by people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, and peptic ulcer disease. Cucumbers have useful and digestible iodine compounds: scientists believe that regular use of cucumber in food improves thyroid, heart and blood vessels. Cucumbers contain a lot of fiber - so perfectly enhance peristalsis, and also clears excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels. Cucumber contain sugar, the protein, vitamins B1 and V2, vitamin C, carotene, Chlorophyll, potassium, phosphorus, Iron, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, manganese, Zinc copper, chromium, and even silver. Due to the high potassium content cucumbers excellent "chase" the excess fluid, relieve swelling, reduce blood pressure, have a mild laxative effect. Cucumber juice prevents passage of carbohydrates into fat and stops the accumulation of salts. Owing to the low calorific value and enhanced "purifying" cucumber is an ideal product for people who wish to lose weight.
To lose weight with "cucumber nutrition", you can either keep a special cucumber diet (below we present to your attention two of their variations) or simply add the cucumber salad at every meal, or a cucumber soup.
Bulgarian cold soup called tartar
It is very easy to make and is served directly to the plate and does not need to be cooked. Get a big cucumber, grate it, or chop finely. Add a handful of crushed walnuts, squeeze the garlic clove (for fans), and cut into a plate of green beam. Pour yogurt into the soup. You can add a little of vegetable oil. Replace your supper with this soup - and you weight will just melt away. In addition, it is simply delicious and cooling summer dish!

Diet with cucumber salad
It is advisable to keep it less than 3 days in a row as yet such a diet is too low-calorie and does not contain everything a body needs. For salad, we need a kilogram of fresh cucumber, which must be cut and filled with low-fat sour cream. Add a little of salt, you can add a little greenery. Eat a salad three times a day. Sample menu:
• Breakfast: salad, toasted, tea or coffee without sugar
• Lunch: salad, a drink without sugar
• Dinner: salad, 50 g of boiled meat or 1 egg, a glass of yogurt
7 Days Cucumber Diet
For this diet for a day we will need about 1-1.5 kilos of cucumbers. Sample menu:
Day 1
• Breakfast: two cucumbers, a slice of black bread
• Dinner: cucumber soup (with yogurt), one apple
• Dinner: Cucumber salad with greens and vegetable oil
Day 2
• Breakfast: cucumber, bread
• Lunch: 50 grams of meat, and cucumber salad greens, you can add radishes and onions
• Dinner: salad of cucumber and green with vegetable oil
Day 3
• Breakfast: two cucumbers, a slice of bread
• Lunch: 100 g boiled fish, 100 g boiled grouts (better rice). Cucumber
• Dinner: salad of cucumber and green with vegetable oil
Day 4:
• Breakfast: cucumber, bread
• Lunch: 100 g rice, 20 g cheese, cucumber
• Dinner: salad of cucumber and green with vegetable oil
Day 5
• Breakfast: two cucumbers, a slice of bread
• Lunch: salad of cucumber, cabbage, radish and carrot
• Supper: salad of cucumbers and greens with oil
Day 6
• Lunch: cucumber, bread
• Dinner: cucumber soup (yogurt may be added), 1 egg, pear
• Dinner: salad of cucumber and greens with vegetable oil
Day 7
• Breakfast: two cucumbers, a slice of bread
• Dinner: cucumber soup (available with yogurt), apple
• Dinner: salad of cucumber and green with vegetable oil
Julia has been writing articles as a journalist for over than 5 years.
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