Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Organic farming
By  Ms H      Judit Hadnagy

Pesticides are not used in organic foods; natural compounds are used instead. Many health risks, such as cancer, are associated with pesticide use.
The “organic animals” means that they are not fed antibiotics or growth hormones. It is commonly believed that organic foods are safer to consumers and their nutritional values are greater than conveniently farmed fruits and vegetables.

Farmers have pest, fungus, or weed problems and the pesticides, fungicides are designed to kill them. The condition for organic pesticides is that they must originally come from a natural source, but this does not suggest that natural chemicals are any less poisonous than their synthetic equivalents.
We know great deal about the level of hazard eating conventionally grown food but nothing about the risks from organically grown food. The synthetic pesticide residues are well and regularly tested.  Volumes of data support their safety.  We have nothing about the safety of pesticides used on organic foods additionally consumers believe that there are no toxic residues on organic products. Many pesticides; acetic acid, copper sulphate, pyrethrin, nicotine sulphate and lime sulphur used in organic farming are highly toxic to the wildlife and hazardous for human health. The organic pesticide residues are not regularly tested and the consumers are not informed clearly.
Organic farmers use animal manure as the major source of fertilizer for their food crops.  Animal manure is the biggest reservoir of these nasty bacteria that are afflicting and killing so many people.
Consumers of organic food are also more likely to be attacked by a relatively new, more virulent strain of the salmonella bacteria and the new E. coli O157.

No pesticides used, the crop fields suffer more damage from insects and rodents through the damaged areas fungi can enter the fruits and seeds. The organic crops have higher rates of invasion by aflatoxin, one of the most virulent carcinogens know to man.
Summarising the difference between the conventional synthetic fertilizer, pesticides and fungicides and organic farming approved counterparts is that with the synthetic plant protection products you get mountains of safety data and regular pesticides residue monitoring while with organic –approved pesticides have no clear regulation, no regular residue monitoring, lack of data about their safety but plenty of well-fabricated lies that they are harmless for human consumption, bees and the environment. Further you pay a lot more money to get nice, healthier feel- good organic products than conventionally grown foods.

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