Saturday, 12 November 2016

The Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss
The best fat burning foods for weight loss are found at every major grocery store in the US.
Here's the deal, fat burning comes down to a simple equation; Eat less food overall and more high quality, unprocessed foods most of the time.
If you are eating foods that contain too much sugar, too many bad carbs and not enough healthy fats, your fat burning and weight loss goals will be difficult, if not impossible to attain.
Simply put, what you eat will make or break your fat burning results so paying attention to what you put into your body is essential.
The next time you're out shopping for groceries, make sure that you shop at the outer ends of the grocery store. The outside perimeter is where most of the best fat burning foods for weight loss found.
Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, lean meats and dairy products are all found at the outer perimeters of the grocery store.
It's the inside aisles that you want to avoid because this is where all the processed and pre packaged foods are located.
You see, grocery stores design their stores this way for a reason. In order to get to the healthy foods, you have to walk through the middle and centrejunk foods,  aisles where you are tempted by processed junk foods wrapped in fancy and shiny wrappers.
To give you a good example of the kind of fat burning foods for weight loss that you need to eat daily to see the number on the scale go down, I will break down what to eat in categories instead of individual foods as there are too many healthy fat burning foods for me to list in this short article.
These categories are ranked by order of importance, starting with the foods that you absolutely must eat to improve your health and lose weight.

Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Category #1: Veggies and Greens
Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, broccoli, celery, cauliflower and other veggies are vital if you want to lose belly fat and regain your health.
Most vegetables are high in fiber, and fiber provides bulk to your meals which makes you feel full faster, reducing the amount of food you eat in a meal.
Fiber is also important for elimination as it keeps you regular. Elimination of waste is very important when you are trying to lower your weight. Being constipated is no fun at all.
I recommend you eat your veggies raw, as not cooking them is the best way to get all the nutrients from veggies. The cooking process tends to lower the nutrient levels in vegetables, meaning you get less fiber and other important nutrients after cooking.
For lunch and dinner, make sure that you eat as many vegetables as you can. Again, raw is best.
Vegetables should cover at least 50% of your plate.
Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Category #2: Healthy Fats
Contrary to many popular diet and health books, eating fat does not make you fat.
However, eating the wrong fat will not only lead to weight gain, but also poor health, a slow metabolism and serious disease like cancer and heart disease.
There are good fats and there are bad fats. The bad fats come from processed foods such as chips, candy, crackers and other snack foods.
Bad fats are also found in vegetable oils, in fact, vegetable oils contain more bad fats per serving than any other processed food.
The next time you're at the grocery store, do not buy vegetable oils. Instead, buy as many foods containing healthy fats as you can.
Unlike bad fats which are high in omega 6 fatty acids, good fats are high in omega 3 fatty acids. Without diving into the science of good fats and bad fats, that is the main difference between good and bad fats, their omega fat type.
A few foods that are high in healthy fats include olive oil, avocados, organic eggs and walnuts.
Healthy fat foods should make up about 20% of your plate.
Best Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss - Category #3: Lean Protein
Last but certainly not least, protein is essential to any weight loss plan.
Protein is required for tissue re-building after your workouts and is necessary for building lean and strong muscles. Having more muscle on your body will work wonders for weight loss as muscle burns fat.
This is because muscle is metabolically active, which means it burns calories even when you are not exercising.
I can't say it enough but high protein foods are an absolute must in your weight loss program.
Again, shop at the perimeter of the grocery store as this is where most of the high protein foods are located. Unless you are a vegetarian, choose lean meats such as top sirloin, chicken breast, cod, mahi mahi, tuna and turkey.
At least one of your daily meals should contain lean meat and your other meals should contain at least one animal based protein source such as yogurt or eggs.
Vegetables also contain protein, but the protein in vegetables is of much lower quality than animal based protein, thus it won't help you build lean muscle and burn fat as well as animal based proteins will.
Eggs, milk and yogurt are all great sources of high quality animal protein.
Protein foods should make up 30% of your plate.
Choose from as many different foods as possible from these three categories and add exercise into your daily routine and you will be well on your way to burning stubborn fat and inches from your problem areas.
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