Saturday, 31 October 2015

Gluten-free pumpkin pie 


Pumpkin is a super food! The nutrients in it are really phenomenal.
Pumpkin contains a very high level of beta –carotene that is converted to vitamin A in the body. Beta-carotene is important for eye health, helps to maintain healthy skin and teeth and plays essential role in preventing coronary heart disease. It contains anti-oxidants and high level of fibre. The pumpkin seed oil lowers blood pressure, beneficial for preventing hypertension. Pumpkin seeds promote better sleep and also contribute to male sexual health.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

nuts and seeds

Superfoods Series: Nuts And Seeds Part One   

by Kurt M

Nuts are highly favored natural €fast foods€ worldwide thanks to their satisfying flavor, texture and portability. Their high protein levels will keep you going strong, and their healthy monounsaturated fats are good for your heart. Compare that to a cheeseburger.
Nine years ago, the FDA approved the following health claim for nut packaging labels: "Scientific evidence suggests, but does not prove, that eating 1.5 ounces per day of some nuts, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease."
A typical short list of commonly-known healthy nuts is usually comprised of: walnuts, cashews, pecans, and almonds. There are, however, literally hundreds of different nuts available. I have compiled a short list of some lesser known nut varieties that you may enjoy just as much.
1. Brazil Nuts
These nuts are grown on a large tree in the Amazon jungle that can grow to over 100 feet tall. They contain protein, copper, niacin, magnesium, fiber, vitamin E and selenium. Selenium helps neutralize dangerous free radicals. Clinical studies have found that the high amounts of selenium in Brazil nuts may prevent breast cancer.
These nuts have a tender texture and a mild flavor.

2. Black Walnuts
Black walnut trees are native to North America. They offer various nutrients including omega-3 fatty acids, which protect the heart, promote better cognitive function. They also provide anti-inflammatory benefits for psoriasis, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and early-stage asthma. Researchers have isolated over a dozen polyphenols (A kind of chemical that theoretically may protect against some common health problems and possibly certain effects of aging) in walnuts. Most people describe the flavor as €smoky with a mild residual in the background.€

3. Hazelnuts (Filberts)
Hazelnuts are a highly nutritious source of magnesium, dietary fiber, E and B vitamins. Hazelnuts also contain phytonutrients such as arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels, and may inhibit tumor growth and boost immunity. Their strong flavor and aromatic nature is a consistent favorite of chefs and coffee connoisseurs worldwide.

4. Pine Nuts
Pine nuts also contain certain fatty acids that may initiate the release of an appetite-suppressing hormone called cholecystokinin (CCK). They are technically seedlings of pinecones, not nuts, but they have a mild, nut-like flavor and provide excellent nutrition. Pine nuts are a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and they're full of vitamins A, C and D. They are technically seedlings of pinecones, not nuts, but they have a mild, nut-like flavor and provide excellent nutrition.

5. Macadamia Nuts
Most people are aware that macadamias are grown commercially in Hawaii but, some are unaware that they are actually native to Australia. These nuts are high in potassium, magnesium, protein, fiber, and healthy monounsaturated fats. A scientific study found that people who had added macadamia nuts to their diets for just one month had a total LDL (bad cholesterol) drop by a full ten points compared to those eating the traditional American diet. Macadamias taste similar to hazelnuts, but with a richer, more buttery flavor.

6. Chestnuts
Chestnuts have been found to have the lowest fat of all nuts, and have a nutritional profile similar to brown rice. They can contain as much vitamin C as lemons, lots of fiber and about one-third the calories of peanuts and cashews. Chestnuts must be boiled or roasted before you eat them, and when you do this it brings out a sweet flavor, and their texture becomes similar to potatoes.
This is just a small sample of nuts available for purchase to the masses. They are highly recommended for both their unique flavors numerous health benefits.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Health benefits of nuts and seeds 

Snacking: Dried Fruits and Nuts.   

by Chelizruby Cube

My Sweets,
I want to share another little secret of mine, well, its not really a secret but i like to think that it is. Lol! Its all about snacking. In the coming weeks, i will be highlighting different ways that i personally do my snacking. Ways that I satisfy my sweet cravings without gaining extra weight. One quick and easy way that i snack is by popping nuts and dried fruits. The idea here is:
This is 50g of dried fruits and nuts. About 200 calories or less.
Watch your portions. Not more than a hand full at each snacking.
Don't eat nuts that are too salty.
Watch out for dried fruits that are coated with sugar. That's a no-no.
Nuts especially are a bit high in calories, depending on the type of nut.
Peanuts (ground nuts) contain 5 calories per nut.
Cashew nuts: 9 calories per nut. Imagine eating 100 nuts at once... Yikees!
Almonds: 7 calories per nut.
A hand full of nuts, same as 50g worth.

I love wearing fitted clothes, so anything to keep my tummy flat is welcome. Nuts and dried fruits are a great way to snack when on the go, (in your office drawer) and great to always have around in case of emergency. hahahaha! Its a great way of getting loads of nutrients. Good fats from nuts and vitamin C from fruits.
Dried fruits mostly come in: Apricot, Peaches, Banana, Cherries, Berries, mango etc
Nuts: Cashew, Peanuts, Almonds, Wall nuts, Pecans, etc
Seeds: Sunflower, Sesame etc
You can get most of these items mixed in a pack (trail mix) which is what i like to do when i have the money, because it comes in different varieties and can be a bit pricey. Trail mix is pack of ready to eat fruits, nuts and seeds. When i first started my weigh loss journey, i ate 'trail mix' a lot, it worked for me though but, then i discovered that there was a cheaper option.
I buy different nuts like cashew, peanuts and almonds. (Mostly)
I buy raisins and dried cherries.
I make a few small bags of mixed nuts and fruits, then store in the fridge.
Each bag must not be more than 40-50 grams which should come to about 200- 230 calories. so that i still stay within range for my daily needs. (pls get a kitchen scale if you don't already have one)
See below for what 50g looks like:
50grams of nuts. (cashew and peanuts)
Always stay within range so that weigh loss can be maximized. I always recommend that each snack must not exceed 200 calories. It leaves you with space to eat well. Please don't be tempted to eat more than the recommended portion. Eat slowly, nut after nut, then drink loads of water afterwards. I doubt if anyone wants to get a day's worth of calories from nuts alone. One cool fact about nuts is that they have a way of keeping you feeling very full for a long time. So take advantage. God bless.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Healthy lifestyle 

Dieting to Improve Your Heath Health 

  by Roger Ruzzier 

A daily assault on your system of trans fats and high-cholesterol foods can't be "undone" with exercise alone, research suggests that the goal is to consume nutrient-dense foods good for antioxidants, including Vitamins B, C, and E and folate. These healthy foods have properties that improve nitrate acid levels, and as a result, your cardiovascular health.
Unless you've been living in the cage for the past decade, you will know high-cholesterol food includes eggs, dairy products, and beef. But including a small portion of these foods in your daily diet is also a must, as they also contain essential minerals and good healthy fats, just don't ever do it.
It seems that the better food tastes, the more the cholesterol. Potato chips, candy bars, cake, and ice cream are ALL high-cholesterol foods. So definitely limit these foods in your diet if you are trying to lose weight.

Just how does one set about eating a heart-nutritious diet without starving to death? It really isn't quite as tricky as it might seem at first glance. You might have fresh fruit and fresh vegetables - and fruits and vegetables DO taste good. You should adhere to fish and chicken, and appreciate a beef steak only on a rare occasion, and then the steak has to be very lean.
Wholegrain foods should be the choice you must make. Stick to extra virgin olive oil, olive oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, and avocado oil, and a little butter never really hurt anyone either. Lard and other saturated fats, trans fats should be avoided.
Eating a heart-healthy diet means that you may possibly have to surrender (at least drastically cut back on) many of the foods that have dominated your diet. But the substitutions are tasty and the advantages are many. Be mindful of your heart health. It's the only one you have.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Sugar is your main enemy!

How to Lower Blood Sugar   

by Geffron Smith

Causes of low blood sugar - If you have not heard before, but it is very important to our health. This is just to find a person that could cause problems, excessively high and low blood sugar, blood glucose levels. With regard to high blood sugar, we need to know exactly what it is. It is the sugar glucose in the blood in larger quantities than usual. Glucose is transferred to the urine, making the urine a small sweet.
It is important that you do not let your blood sugar reaches high levels, because it can cause many complications. To help you, there are several ways to reduce blood sugar levels. Your body uses hormones to keep levels normal. However, long-term health problem that needs treatment can cause low can drop too low.
Diabetis people often deal with low sugar. It's not often people who do not have diabetes, but it can happen. This could be caused by:
1- Excessive alcoholic beverages.
2- Medical condition that affects the pancreas, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands or other organs.
3-Metabolic problems, working with families.
4- Some problem caused by stomach surgery.
How to Lower Blood With Food

This is a normal blood sugar levels fluctuate daily depending on what you eat and how much you exercise. If you have diabetes, your ideal blood glucose level is between 70 and 130 mg / dL before meals and less than 180 mg / dL two hours after eating. If you are already struggling with high carefully examine your diet, physical activity, stress, and any medications you take. Emotional stress and physical illness can increase levels, but choosing the right products and consume fewer calories, you can reduce blood sugar levels.
Nutrients, such as vinegar and cinnamon before meals can help reduce post-meal spikes. Safest way to naturally reduce blood sugar levels are much lower in calories, carbohydrate sources with each meal. Completely eliminate all processed and refined carbohydrate foods, including bread, pasta, corn and rice.
Fast food like burgers and fries are especially high in fat and sugar. Carbonated soda is also dangerous for a ridiculous amount of sugar and should be avoided altogether. If you drink these beverages, choose a diet version. If your cravings for fast food, choose healthier alternatives. Most of the fast-food companies now offer food such as salads and grilled meat.
Never forget, consume plenty of water. This is a great way to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. As the saying goes, eight glasses a day is considered sufficient for the mess, the toxins from the body, helps in weight loss (this is completely true), and gives you a healthy and radiant skin.
Swami ramdev medicine Madhunashini Vati is an outstanding plant protection product Divya Pharmacy of baba ramdev. This is a great medicine for Lower Blood Sugar. Person who do not see any results allopathic medicines. People can control their blood levels regularly according madhunashini Vati. Madhunashini VTI Ayurvedic herbs, which are all natural and safe and has no side-effects of the combination. Madhunashini Vati can effectively helps to control blood levels in your body. It stimulates the pancreas to release enough insulin needed carbohydrates.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

phytonutrients and your health 

Health Benefits of Phytonutrients   

by Jen Page

Phytonutrients are compounds found in some plants that are otherwise called phytochemicals. These are compounds that are not known to be essential to the human body, but they can have benefit if ingested. You don't need them, but you may find surprising benefits to your health and even weight loss efforts if you include some of these in your daily menu. Research is on going for possible benefits for fighting diseases and other medical conditions with phytonutrients.

If you eat a vegetarian diet, you may already be reaping the alleged benefits of these phytonutrients. Some are said to help ward off cancer, and others may have anti-inflammatory benefits that could help those with conditions like arthritis. There could also be benefits with phytochemicals that help with conditions like weakened immune system or thyroid conditions. There are nine classes of these phytonutrients, each having a different effect on the above mentioned conditions.
Carotenoids are just one of those nine classes. This class is probably the most well known to people, even if they do not know these by the carotenoids label. These can be described as the colored pigments that make up most of the colors found in fruits and vegetables. These fight against cancer and some heart problems. To get these benefits eat more apples, citrus, peaches, tomato, watermelon, many green vegetables, apricots, pumpkin, and sweet potato.
Other sources of phytochemicals (phytonutrients) for health benefits would be various herbal teas, wine, soy products, berries (like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries), and leafy green vegetables. Research is ongoing to see if phytonutrients have any real effect on DNA repair due to damage from free radicals like pollution and smoking, altering estrogen metabolism, speeding up and enhancing immune system response to disease and injury, and general body detoxification.
Though research is ongoing, don't wait for the results before you start upping your fruit and vegetable intake each day. Even if these claims have no basis in truth, fruits and vegetables are good for the body in many proven ways. If losing weight, these take up more space in the stomach, make you feel fuller faster and longer, and can give you everything your body needs. If you eat enough, you are going to feel and look better, and you are going to eat less of the empty calorie foods that sabotage even the best dieter's intentions. Eat them for all the right reasons, and you could get the extra benefits of a longer and healthier life as well.

Friday, 23 October 2015


What's A Phytonutrient And Why Do I Keep Hearing About Them?   

by Ben Mester

Phytonutrient is a relatively new term being used and talked about a lot in recent days. Phytonutrients are found in plants, but are not the same as regular nutrients in that the body doesn't use them for energy or as building blocks. Instead, phytonutrients are considered non-nutritive plant chemicals. This means that insead of yielding energy and building blocks, their function is protecive, consisting largely in disease fighting and preventing. In plants, they have the role of shielding the plants from diseases and injuries, bug dangers, drought, heat, sunlight, toxins, and contaminants in the air and the soil. Though plant life has a different kind of immune system than the human body, they have an immune system nonetheless, and phytonutrients play a critical role in plant immune systems.
In human beings, they have a similar function. Everyone has heard the term antioxidant. Antioxidants are specific phytonutrients, ones that protect our DNA from free radical damage and other hazards. Antioxidants are strong protective compounds that most every persons in modern society could use more of. So how does a person go about getting more phytonutrients in their diet? Phytonutrients, strangely enough, generally are what give a fruit or vegetable its coloration. Beta-Carotene, for instance, is found in things like carrots and squash, and gives them their orangish, yellowish coloration. Lycopene can be found in tomatoes and watermelon, and gives them their reddish coloration. Other fruits and vegetables have other phytonutrients with various corresponding colors. Even the color white, like in onions, has a powerful corresponding phytonutrient.

What does this mean? Well this discovery has given rise to the concept of eating a rainbow of colors each day. Because different important phytonutrients have been shown to have different corresponding colors, eating a wide range of different fruit and vegetable colors everyday can be one of the simplest ways to get a good spread of phytonutrients into your diet. The Standard American Diet is rife with foods that are largely colorless, unless they have had artificial colors added to them. But starches and carbohydrates have little to no color, and the vast amount of foods we consume are white or light tan. There are very small amounts of phytonutrients in most of the typical foods in the Standard American Diet.
Another way to get lots of phytonutrients in your diet is to be sure you eat the skin of your vegetables and fruit as often as you're able. The skin of an apple, for instance, shields the inner fruit of the apple from the environment around it. Just think about how quickly an apple oxidizes and turns brown once you slice into it. That's because the skin is loaded with antioxidants that will not allow the oxygen around it to oxidize the tender inner fruit. So peeling off the skin of an apple, for example, gets rid of all of the phytonutrient benefits that come with eating an apple. On the other hand, the skin on many fruits and vegetables is not considered edible, but a large variety of fruits and vegetables do come with edible skins. These are usually very loaded and rich in phytonutrients and can be a great way to supply more antioxidants and other beneficial phytonutrients into your diet.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Super foods 

What Are Power Foods - Tips for Healthy Skin?   

by Terry Valdez

There is an egotistical desire for many to look younger and feel younger. A lot of advertising money is poured into the personal care industry and cosmetic industry every year. In fact, $10 billion USD is spent annually on cosmetics. Cosmetics is an industry geared at advertising the enhancement of beauty. Their general target is women.
It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate the chemicals placed into cosmetics. The thousands of chemicals found in these products are highly absorbable. The reason why beauty companies and personal care companies can add these ingredients is that they require no government review or approval.
In my article, "Dangerous Chemicals In Makeup - A Look Into 4 Toxic Chemicals" I go into more detail regarding these toxic chemicals. But, this article is going to review some healthier ways of looking your best without having to use cosmetics. This article will review four power foods that can help to enhance your beauty and your skin the natural way. Power foods are foods that provide nourishment and nutrition towards the skin. This nourishment will promote glowing skin naturally enhancing the beauty of an individual. Here are some foods that are tips for healthy skin.
Olive Oil and Olives
Why Olives? Well, olives are known for oils which have the highest natural source of vitamin E. Vitamin E is known to nourish the skin by repairing connective tissue. The healthy fats in olive oil work together to keep the skin smooth and to boost the immune system.
Green and crunchy, cucumbers are high in silicon. One tip about eating cucumbers make sure that they are organic, because they are often grown with pesticides and waxed in stores. It is also important to note that cucumbers are fantastic for cleansing the body.
Radishes play an important role in connective tissue formation. The importance of creating connective tissue formation is to work together to create glowing skin. The nourishment that the radish includes a high content in sulfur, silicon and vitamin C.
Most of us can think of avocados as a side dish often used in guacamole, but there are reasons why people need to consume avocados. They are abundant in vitamins and minerals that are crucial towards the development of the body and the skin. These vitamins and minerals include: beta - carotene, lutein, vitamins B6, C, E, K, selenium, zinc, folate, potassium, glutathione and healthy fats to nourish the body and skin.

Tips for Healthy Skin - Complete Nourishment
These foods provide many of the vitamins and minerals needed to provide nourishment towards the body. But, have you ever heard of the term juicing?
Juicing is when you mix all the vegetables and fruits together in order for an individual to receive their daily nourishment. However, the problem with nourishment is that it can be expensive; because you would have to buy all these fruits and vegetables to meet your daily needs. Eating healthy and fresh foods is said to be the best way to receive your vitamins and minerals to the body. The reason why it is better to consume organic foods is because it is much easily absorbed by the body. Hence, juicing is a popular way to receive your nourishment.
If you would like to learn how to receive 90+ verifiable vitamins and minerals in one product, and learn how to stay healthy with one organic product, then click get organic.
For a free report, and if you would like to learn how to be rewarded using proper nutrition then click here.
Mr. Terry Valdez is a professional marketer dedicated to the success of personal growth; financial growth; and health and wellness of individuals. His passions are educating people towards healthier lifestyles while helping people towards a financially free future. To download his free report, please click here to learn on how you can gain a healthier lifestyle that can lead towards financial freedom.

Monday, 19 October 2015

gluten free lunch ideas 

Gluten Free Lunch Ideas   

by Melind Knight

Without a proper lunch, getting through a busy afternoon can be a struggle. When you're on a gluten-free diet (which excludes wheat, rye, and barley), it's important to find healthy lunch recipes that give you the calories, protein, and vitamins you need to feel great all day long. If you're interested in learning more about tasty and nutritious lunch ideas, you'll enjoy these easy-to-prepare, economical ideas; most of them rely on clever substitutes of some popular, wheat-based breads and food products:
Rice Noodle Stir-Fry - What could be healthier than a base of rice noodles, topped with a selection of lean beef or chicken, red peppers, onions, and carrots? By picking up a bottle of wheat-free Tamari soy sauce, you can enjoy the salty kick of this Asian condiment - without worrying about glutens. Simply stir-fry your favorite meats and veggies (or gluten free tofu, if you're vegetarian) in a little vegetable oil, minced garlic, and Tamari sauce - if you want more spice, add some red pepper flakes. Meanwhile, boil some rice noodles and drain. When you're ingredients are ready and cooled, fill a plastic container with a base of noodles and a healthy portion of toppings - if you like, add a little more Tamari for flavor. You can eat this delicious lunch hot or cold, and it provides lots of essential carbohydrates and nutrients. Add a bottle (or two) of pure water to your meal to balance the sodium in the dish.

Classic Peanut Butter & Jelly Bagel - Sometimes, comfort food can be just right for certain days. If you've always enjoyed peanut butter and jelly on bread or a bagel, you can still have what you want - all you need to do is find gluten free bagels in a plain flavor. Most health food stores will stock these - you may also have a gluten free bakery right in your own town or city. Once you've found your bread product, look for natural peanut butters and organic jams and jellies - there are some terrific gluten free choices in the marketplace. If you're looking for a mainstream brand of peanut butter that is safe to eat, you might enjoy Skippy Natural Creamy Gluten Free Peanut Butter; Smuckers brand fruit preserves are also completely gluten free.
Soup With Legumes - Pouring some hot, satisfying soup into a microwave-safe container or Thermos can be a great way to enjoy superior nutrition on a cold or rainy day. If you make lots of soup in advance, you'll be able to freeze your leftovers and use them for easy lunches. To make great soup, choose a gluten free broth, or simply do things the old-fashioned way by boiling up a chicken along with onions, chopped carrots, and a spice bouquet garni. Once you've boiled the chicken, tear off the excess meat and reserve; then, strain the broth to remove bones and vegetables. If you like, cool overnight and skim off fat before using. Adding any food items you have lying around can be a great way to use up leftovers - consider drained chickpeas or kidney beans, rice, sliced carrots and onions, shredded chicken, and diced potatoes. If you love pasta in soups, use brown rice pasta shapes to add heartiness to your soup. Spices such as curry, tarragon, or hot sauce can give your soup a more exotic feel. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Eating  more green

Nutritional Benefits Of Eating Your Green Vegetables   

by Anna Wilde

What is it that makes plants green? Chlorophyll! This is the magic substance that plants use to capture and store the energy from sunlight. Without this mechanism there would be no life on earth as every living thing directly or indirectly derives its energy from plant sources.
The chlorophyll molecule is almost identical to the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin molecule in our own blood. Remarkably, chlorophyll is an excellent tonic and cleansing agent for our blood. It is one of the key substances that give wheatgrass, barley grass and chorella their well-known healing properties.
However it is not only the green in greens which makes them such an important food. As we can see in autumn leaves, chlorophyll actually masks many other pigments. These colours indicate the presence of' a huge array of 'phytonutrients', or beneficial plant compounds. Phytonutrients have an assortment of subtle effects that keep our energy flowing and balanced.
How do green vegetables help your body to be healthy?

Eating green vegetables provides many health benefits. They help your immune system, provide antioxidant protection and rejuvenate your cells. Green leafy vegetables also contain significant amounts of protein, minerals and fibre. As we naturally eat heavier, richer, cooked foods in winter it is important to keep eating a proportion of raw greens. They provide balance to our meals and aid digestion and detoxification.
So remember to get your greens! There are many green vegetables available through the winter and they go abundantly crazy in the spring. Dark greens such as kale, broccoli and the Chinese greens are particularly fortifying. Let yourself become accustomed to stronger, bitter tastes in greens - these can indicate powerful cleansing properties. Have a look at the organic stall at the local farmers market and try something different. Just ask if you are not sure how to prepare them.

Yummy Recipes with Leafy Greens

Greens, Bacon and Poached Eggs
Serves 2-4

This makes a deliciously satisfying and nutritious lower carb breakfast. You'll get lots of essential minerals from the leafy greens, plus good protein from the bacon and eggs.
This is my idea of weekend breakfast heaven! However it's equally ideal for lunch or dinner. Use organic free range bacon and eggs for better flavour. You'll also be supporting more wholesome farming practices.
2 T olive oil or organic butter

1 large bunch dark leafy greens [kale, chard (silverbeet) or Chinese greens]

4 rashers organic (or wild) free range bacon

1 medium onion

1 clove crushed garlic

2 tomatoes

2 T soy sauce

squeezed lemon

capsicum (bell pepper), red or green, chopped

Pinch of Cayenne pepper

1. Gently saute the onions, garlic and bacon with the olive oil in a wok.

2. Remove stems and roughly chop greens. Place in wok and cover with a lid. Steam until tender.

3. Meanwhile poach the required number of poached eggs.

4. Dice the tomatoes and add to wok with remaining ingredients.

5. Serve on warm plates and top with the poached eggs. Add a grind of black pepper to taste.
Bok Choi Stir-fry

Stir-frying requires fast intense heat. Moisture in the leaves creates steam, rapidly wilting the greens. Spicy white pepper compliments the earthy/sweet flavour of the leaves.
Several small bunches of bok choi (or other Chinese Greens)

2 tsp sesame oil

Shoyu (good quality fermented soy sauce)

White pepper
Separate the leaves by cutting the bottom stalk of each bunch. Slice he stalks and leaves into 3cm lengths.
Wash the chopped bok choi by putting it into a sink or large bowlful of water. Massage gently to loosen any dirt and allow it to drop to the bottom. Use your hands to life out the greens into a colander and allow it to drain.
Heat a wok or large frypan over a high heat. Add the sesame oil. When the oil is very hot (but not smoking) add the bok choi. Keep the heat high and stir the greens until wilted - this should take less than two minutes.
Season with pepper and shoyu, toss for a few more seconds and remove from the wok into a serving dish.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Gluten-free school lunch 

Tips For Gluten Free School Days    

by Sean Ambrose

Tips For Gluten Free School Days
Sending a child with Celiac's disease or gluten sensitivity off to school can be a really daunting prospect for any parent. Up until then you have been able to keep a close eye on their diet, and you know exactly what passes their lips. Suddenly your child will be away from you for a whole day, including lunch and snack times, and thinking about what they might accidentally eat is driving you crazy. Here are a few tips to help your child avoid foods that contain gluten when they go to school.
1. Talk to your kid's teachers before school starts
The best time to schedule a meeting with your child's teachers is the few days before term starts, when they will be at work getting their lesson plans ready, but they won't be distracted by hundreds of kids running around. Provide as much information as you can about your child's condition, the consequences of them accidentally eating something containing gluten, and the hidden dangers of substances like play dough. Provide leaflets for them to pass to other teachers who might be looking after your child.
2. See if the school can accommodate their needs at lunchtime
It might be tempting to send your child to school with their own gluten-free packed lunch, but if the rest of the kids have school meals, this is just going to draw attention to your child's condition and may make them feel left out or uncomfortable. Most schools are used to dealing with food intolerances or allergies. Give them a chance to provide gluten-free meals before you resort to sending in your own packed lunch.

3. Give your child responsibility for their diet
You may think your child is too young to determine what they can or cannot eat, but you will be surprised what they do understand, even at the age of three or four. Your child will appreciate it if you talk honestly to them about the situations they may face at school, and how they should deal with them. If they are prepared for the fact that children might want to swap food at lunchtime, and know how to refuse politely, there will be less opportunity for upsets and misunderstanding.
4. Give the teacher gluten-free treats for special occasions
At the start of term, make sure your child's teacher has a stash of long lasting gluten-free treats to give your child on occasions when the other kids are eating cakes, cookies or other foods that contain gluten. In these situations it's hard to get away from the fact that your child is different, but at least they will have something tasty to eat and won't be tempted to try foods that contain gluten.
5. Take in gluten-free treats for the whole class on your child's birthday
If taking in birthday treats for the class is the norm in your child's school, then they shouldn't be any different. There are plenty of well known candies that don't contain gluten. You may be tempted to bake a birthday cake using gluten-free flour, but your child's classmates may not be used to the unusual taste, and if they don't like it your child may get upset or embarrassed
6. Don't get upset when people forget to provide for your child
There will undoubtedly be occasions when your child's teachers, or other moms, forget to provide gluten-free foods for your child. Don't let this upset you, as you will only pass on your anger and frustration to your child. Nobody is willfully trying to feed your child something that will make them ill; they have just forgotten or don't fully understand about Celiac's disease.